check it out <3

Saturday, April 10, 2010

10/4/10 - temuduga *BoinG!

i'm in dilema~ in borang upu, i write art n design as my first choice... this faculty kene temuduga...

so, i went 4 it this morning... they ask all of us to draw to test our drawing ability n kreativity...

then, ade temuduga one by one...

after spend bout 3-4 hours... its my time... they check my spm result n say,

"knape pilih arts?? ur result bagus... u spatutnye ambik course yg lebih tinggi"...

then, they look at my drawing... "bagus, ade kreativiti"...

but then they keep asking me to change my course...

damn! i choose this coz i luv it! but people around me keep pushing me to change it...

Saturday, March 6, 2010

makan GAJI BUTA...

aq bkn sesaje nk dudok goyang kaki...

tapi xde org yg beli barang kat kaunter aq 2...


keje start kul 7 ptg-10 mlm...

ade org dtg kt kaunter aq 2, tapi bile aq tegur klu2 aq leh tolong cam nk saiz lain kew or nk tlg carikkn short or pape yg bkenaan... diorng kate nk tgk2 jew... so, xpe r
finally, aq x dpt jual pape...

RABU: cuti ;P


kakak yg fulltime jage situ dpt jual 3 helai short jerr... (total RM75)

bile time aq, hampeh! ade bbrape org dtg, tp x beli pape pown...

ade gak yg dh nk hampir ngan kaunter aq, tetibe pusing tmpt lain...

akhirnyerr.... TELOR AYAM r jawabnyerr...


aq dh hampir nk nangis siut!

xkan telor ayam or itik lg??

aq cube sedaya upaya utk layan customer2 yg dtg...

ade sorg mamat ni, lama gak die dok belek baju kat ctu...

so, aq tanya die boleh saya tolong? coz aq ingat die nk carik saiz len ke ape...

die jawab tak ade...


pelik aq, pastu die trus blah... mmbuat aq tkilan...

adakah sumenyerr salah aq??

adakah cara or riak wajahku ibarat mhalau mereka??

tpikir aq nk bhenti, tp kakak 2 slalu ckp die yg bhenti n suroh aq ambik fulltime...

die pown ade masalah ngan anak die yg tperap ngan die...

so, aq teruskn part time aq ni, mgantikn die klu die ade problemo...

but, sadis seh! aq ni bknlah rajin keje... tp aq benci goyang kaki...

trasa cam aq ni x bguna langsung....

wooo~~ *tears are falling down* :(

Thursday, March 4, 2010


dlm waktu2 tbosan smbil tunggu result SPM n any tawaran utk masuk UNIVERSITI ni....

rakan2 sperjuangan aq rajin gak ajak aq g KLUAR JLN2 ngan diorng....

thanz a lot fwenz....


wlupown hati ini parah, namun i have to say this...

after this, aq mybe xleh kluar jln2 ngan korng lg...

huhuhuhuhu.... *tears*

sumenyerr atas faktor2 berikut:

1... kewangan yg x mnggalakkan. Slama ni aq bile kluar jln2, i korek my piggy bank. so, skang piggy bank aq dh kurus sgt....

2... kesihatan. Maybe korng xtau psl ni... so, biar aq bgtau...

aq dr kecik lagi senang lenguh kaki n sakit perut(masok angin)...

so, bile aq luangkn masa g jln2... ade masanyerr my legs x thn n nnti malam, xleh tido coz sakitnyerr tramatlah xleh tahan... rasa cam ditusuk2...

al kisah, semalam my fwenz sara ajak join die, elya n awul g jj maluri....

(sori, aq x salahkn korng... coz aq sndri truja nk ikut korng, smpi korek piggy bank aq smpi tmuntah2 pig 2...LMAO)

bile balik, aq x smpat nk rehat kena g keje plak kt spectrum...

lantas, start pkul 9.00 mlm, kaki aq mula mnunjukkan sign yg die nk lenguh thp minimum...

(nasib baik habis keje pukul 10.00 mlm)

then, mlm tadi... ksakitan itu mnyerang aq smpi pkul 3 pagi... (slalu tidor pkul 12 atau lebih awal)...

ibu mithali aq lah yg mnemankn aq mlm tadi... kebetulan beliau pown xleh tido...

kitong bborak smpi pukul 3, beliau n aq tlelap dgn sndrinyerr... (tetibe lupe psl sakit kaki)

justeru itu, aq yg amat t'ingin n ske meluangkn masa ngan my fwenz yg t'amat baik hati n rajin mlayan kerenah aq yg k'korea'an ni...

tpaksa ambik kputusan drastik ini untuk xkluar dr umah tanpa urusan yg penting...

as i write above, aden x slah korang...

penyakit aden ni memang dari kocik agi... time sekolah rendah, lagi parah...

tiap2 mlm kena urut kaki n perot i yg x brapa nk langsing ni...

masa kocik2, opah lah yg rajin mlayan masalah urat-saraf aq ni...

bile sekolah rendah, ibunda ku lah yg mgambil alih....

bile dh bosar ni, layan diri jerrlah~~

uhuhuhuhuk.... sodey plak aden...

p/s: aq org PERAK... tp dh slalu bpindah, so, loghat aq senantiasa merapu... i wat loghat klate ni coz tpengaruh ngan PAK CIK DIN dlm komik UJANG 2...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


aq dh keje jadik PROMOTER kt SPECTRUM BINTANG... (korng x tau kot)...

start kul 7.00ptg smpi 10.00 mlm... sekejap jerr...

aq ade tbaca shahrul nyerr post... keje promoter kureng mcabar... n i agree...

kadang2 terasa cam sekolah jerr... tiap2 hari rutin yg same...

but, still ade bagusnyerr...

aq ni bkn la pemalu tp xske bcakap ngan orng yg aq bru jumpa...

so, keje jadik promoter ni mengajar aq supaye rajin2 menegur orng n jadik seseorng yag lebih peramah...

*smirk* mcm dh brubah jer...

but still aq baru sminggu lebih keje... so, kat ctu aq xde kwn...

well, aq pown mls nk tegur diorng...

plus, umah aq jaoh dr umah kwn2 skolah aq...

so, aq trasa tpinggir plak bile diorng g jln2, aq xleh ikut coz agak susah nk kluar...

plus, aq kn anak mak n abah aq...

klu diorng x benarkn, aq akur jer... xde pintaan ke2..

well, family first...

but 4 my fwenz... gtau r aq klu nk g jln2...

aq pown nk ikut... boring seh!! :P

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Just came back from Time Square...
wanna watch ALVIN & THE CHIPMUNKS 2...
but too late for that..
the movie is okay...

'bout a girl (teenagers) who always heard weird sound n having scary dreams since young...
her boyfriend took a chance to record everything in a camera...
perhaps to take the demon image...
but things became worse...
lastly, her boyfriend is murdered...
his death body is threw toward the camera...
then, his murderer came...
its that girl...

confuse?? Go n watch yourself...
for me, its 6 out of 10...

Monday, January 4, 2010

04/01/10 - my first post

many of my friends have their own blog...
why not me??
today is my first day...
hope to keep in touch with my friends through this...
since the school time had ended...

still hope to get new friends...
p/s: i might use my blog to write story...